Monday, September 3, 2012

Chapter 19: The Last Year

College started up this week again. I had to do a lot to get prepared for the start of school and for everyone else who started school this week. There are a ton of freshman, I remember when I was a freshman. I was excited to start off fresh, with new people and new classes. I couldn't wait to start 3D modeling and now I can't wait for school to just come to a close. I will say that it terrifies me to know that I will need to look for a job in my field in one year. I have had plenty of jobs, but I haven't experienced what it feels like to get a job in my major. Will I soon begin to hate what I am doing? Half of me is excited and the other half is just wondering if there are jobs out there after college, which gets me thinking if I should ever stop learning at college in the first place. I've had recent thoughts about writing, but I feel that I couldn't make a living off that and soon I would also hate writing as a career.

The last year gets me thinking about what I should do? Do I party hard and stay up late or should I accomplish everything with excellence and hit the books hard? You only get to go through you're senior year once and I find it hard to believe that I'm already a senior. I feel like I'm not really prepared to get a job. So it gets me thinking that I need to learn more this year then I have the past three years. Right about now I could be writing about why I am a graphic communications student or writing about my final project proposal, but instead I feel like I need to set that aside and think about what the future might be about.

I've already discussed to everyone in the world that I have "connections" to Dreamworks Animaitons Studios in CA, but really I'm just as far away from my dream job as everyone else. I think the word that best describes what I could do is "try". I could at least try to make an effort to push me to accomplish great things, but I just don't know if trying is all it takes. I never try, I only think and tell about what I want to do and I never get to doing the things I talk about. I think I would be a great visionary and brain stormer in a business. I could tell everyone what we should do and then they would do it for me. Which now brings me to the status of "Lazy". Yes at the end of all this I feel lazy and distracted. I'm caught up with a lot of games and people who constantly ask me to hangout or play me. I still have great ideas and creations I would like to make and develop, but they are quickly floating away. I need to refocus and conqueror this last year. I feel like seniors always get the same thought, "Last year, better party it up hard because its gonna be the last time I can." Their last statement is true because if they party it up hard the last year and don't focus on the things that are important to them, they will become the guy that has to work hard all the time and have no future fun. See I think we will always be allowed to party in the future and college is just another step towards doing greater and more exciting things.

The last year for me is about defining who I want to be and where I want to travel. My actions will build up new adventures for me and I get to choose if I want them to be amazing or depressing. My goal has always been to become a director within the walls of motion picture and this last year will sky rocket me towards that dream that I had when I was just twelve years old. Senior year meet your future director of animation!

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