Sunday, January 22, 2012

Chapter 10: Lab Rat

How do I make money and fast? Well I got setup with a thing called a prac study. Basically I go to this facility, take a pill that needs testing, and stay there for 34.5 hrs a weekend. The pill I have to take is for children with ADHD, I don't have ADHD so I'm what you call the control part of the experiment. I had to check-in last Friday at 6pm. It was very weird and to tell you the truth I was kind of nervous.

I packed myself a pillow, a blanket, 2 days worth of clothing, a toothbrush, toothpaste, my iPod, cellphone and homework. I didn't know what to expect and I didn't know anyone there. I got a wrist band with my name and client number and I had to sign a packet like 20 times. Talk about wasting paper. I got a bottom bunk bed because I usually sleep on a loft. The first day wasn't so bad, they gave us a snack, they let us watch a movie and they put on the Timberwolves game at night. Oh by the way, I'm a huge Timberwolves fan. Go K Love and Ricky Rubio! Anyway I fell asleep really fast that night, but the next morning we had to wake up at 6:30am.

There was 140 people in the study, but only 100 of us got into the study. I was number 46 and I was really tired. I woke up with the prick of needle that went into my left arm. This would be blood draw number 1 of 20. I sat next to two cute girls. Both of them were talking to each other and I just sat on the end and listened to some Mac Miller on my iPod. As the day went on, the three of us would talk about ourselves, where we came from, about families etc. After 4 hrs of sitting in a chair and watching the movie, "50 First Dates" with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore, I had a total of 12 blood draws. My arm was a tad sore and it was time for lunch.

Throughout the rest of the day, number 36 who was Katie, number 41 who was Rachel and I talked and talked. We woke up this morning ready to get out of there though we had so much fun talking about pets, careers, and other personal things. Its not like I'll never get to see them again. We have prac study again next weekend and I will get to sit at my number 46 and talk to my two new friends. At first I was scared about this whole thing, but I have to remember that I'm making $700 from this study. Thats enough for me to go buy something cool for myself or probably the smart thing to do is to pay off some school loans. I didn't get much homework done there so I should probably stop procrastinating and get to it. I'll let you all on a little secret before I go. I was writing a movie script at pracs because I had nothing else to do. I'm going to let you view it next posting because I might need some feedback since its going to be my final in my FILM 284 class. Well I'll check back later. Peace.

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