Monday, January 9, 2012

Chapter 8: The Return

I don't really know how many of you have really missed reading my blog, but I've returned. Its been quite some time now since my last post and there are a lot of things I could waste your time with, but I'll only mention a few.

Christmas has come and gone, but my parents were really giving this year. I got a Samsung hand cam that shoots in 1080p and has a lot of neat features such as night vision and a built-in hard drive. The hand cam is the size of my hand, literally. I plan on shooting some cool videos, maybe even a video blog, but we will see. I want to capture my city's surroundings and little events. I also got some movies, new shirts for my suit, and a car! I don't know what I would do without it. I can barely recall life before the car. Haha well my roomate and I are starting up PRo Thursdays again because now we don't have to bike in the snow and cold weather. Haha snow, we still haven't gotten that much snow, but back to the car. Now this car isn't a Corvette, Mustang, or Eclipse. I got the car for free from my parents and they expect me to pay for the gas and wear and tear. No, the car is a 1998 Oldsmobile Regency. It looks like this:

It doesn't look this shinny and I don't live near any mountains, but you get the picture. Its a grandpa car, but it gets me from point A to point B and back. I love it and it has replaced my broken, crappy bike.

So yeah Christmas was great, had lots of time to spend with the family and nerding it up with my bro. Got drunk on New Years, but who doesn't. But now I'm back at school and I'm filling different; I'm feeling new and fresh. I think this semester will be a good one since I only have 14 credits and one of my classes is Beginning Tae Kwon Do, by the way I'm sore and I don't feel like Bruce Lee. Hopefully I can get an orange belt and feel good about what I've accomplish this semester.

Last but not least, I'm working on getting my name into Dreamworks Animation. I'm talking to my aunt's mother about getting myself an internship at Dreamworks. She use to do a lot of work for the studio and she believes I might one day work for them. That is kind of a stretch, but its nice of her to work with me on getting an internship set up with them. We will see how that comes along in the future, but for now, I'm glad to be back and letting you know about my adventures through life. Later.

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