Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Chapter 12: Solo Man

So I planned to shoot my final film for class the other day. We have to use a camera called an arri s. Very old camera and it shoots in black and white. Very hard to control and you need lots of patience. Well we got most of the movie shot, its called Tally Mark. Anyways its a psychological thriller on a man who remembers the first man he killed. You know that creepy stuff. Well the last reel of film did not process right because it didn't run through the camera properly, so 3 hrs wasted. On top of that, we lost a battery belt and one of the lights fell and broke. Just what I needed right? Something to piss me off.

The film department helped me find the battery pack and I was told that the light bulb blew out. Both so reassuring and my professor told me that I could use the film footage that i shot and edit a new story with it. So its worth a try, but I won't get to see it for another week or so. Things were getting better and I got back everything I lost.

After 3 Months of tae kwon do, I finally got my orange belt!!! Yes no I'm ready to fight crime and all that, Lol I'm just messin with yah. Its a fun activity and I really enjoy myself. Sure the bruises and scars hurt, but its worth it. I also met with one of my favorite friends today. Truth be told I kind like her a lot, anyways I met up with her and another friend of ours. We talked about how we would make a new video for the organization that we are in announcing the new MCs. I like to plan out stuff like this, I really do enjoy making movies and seeing something that I've made. We plan on doing something with superheros so it should be awesome!

After we were done and they left, I took some time for myself to just relax and drink my Gatorade that I got at the local on campus shop. I took in all the sounds around me and shut my eyes slightly, I felt at peace and at ease. It was like 10 mins of relaxation. You know the type where your trying to let your mind catch up with the rest of your body. It needed a good 10 mins off. I recognized a friend working in the building I was relaxing in and started to talk to her while she put on her fake smile.

The smile, a type of smile that makes you think you could do better, but then you realize you can't and you say its fake. Well it was a huge smile, but friendly and we caught up with each other. I told her that I like the girl that I was talking to and she said that her boyfriend was sitting with us, when we had the meeting. My mind went for a twirl and smacked on the floor of my skull. What? When? Why didn't anyone let me know? No way!? Questions just took a ride on my brain and they finally came to a halt. Smiley friend said she caught them holding hands once. I told her that it could have been a friendly hold, but now I'm not to sure. He's too young for her, why is she thinking about him?

I question sometimes why people don't flat out tell me that they are dating someone, so I don't need to put too much of an interest in them. Life is not fair and I've been walking on that block of life for way too long. When will I get my break and find the girl I've been missing? Why won't she just tell me? My return back has not been a safe landing, but its ok, I survived the disaster and now its time to forget. Someone once told me there are plenty of fish in the sea and I usually return with, "yeah and those ones are all normal or ugly". I faced the big fact about girls, the hot ones are mean and the cute ones are taken. Leaving me a solo man with nothing.

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