Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Chapter 6: Movie Star

Have you ever wanted to be apart of a movie? I know I have since I was 10 years old, I wanted to act, direct and even produce movies. It all started with my cousins, my brother and I. It was Christmas time and one of my cousins came to visit the rest of the family from California. We hadn't seen him for 2 years and we decided we do something different. My dad got a new Panasonic video camera which still ran on dv cassettes. All of us decided to make a trilogy based on Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. It was a hit and I remember having the greatest time with my family that day. Days like those you wish you could hold onto forever, but like always time pasts.

Recently the memories have come back to me. I've decided to throw myself out there for acting and I'm in the acting archive at school. Its been years since I've acted for plays and musicals, but I said why not I'll give it a try. Last week I was contacted by a student director to do a remake on movie called Swingers. I went to an audition and did my best. Two day later I got a e-mail saying I got the part of Rob and I was super pumped. Today I received another call from another director wanting me to act in one of his movies. It should be quite fun and he's going to drop off the script today when I work.

I've always wanted to be apart of films, maybe thats why I recently gave acting a chance. I just want to read my name up in the credits someday. Wouldn't that be so cool? Head Coordinator of Visual Effects ... Jordan Stark. Woot thats me! I would also like to direct a script that I have written. I think to its better if your heart is something you want to create, then doing it for just money and fame. Sure I would like the benefits, but its not all about that. Sometimes its about being proud of the work you have done and how much time it takes to do something like that. I want to be a director. I told my parents that like over a thousand times and all they would say was, "Jordan remember this is your future. Who just decides one day they want to be a director?" Thats why in high school, I didn't really focus on having a lot of friends. I put so much time in writing screenplays for movies in class and drawing up storyboards at lunch. I dedicated my life at an early age to idea of making motion pictures and creating test films with my camera.

Heck I even got a green screen for Christmas once. My parents knew how much it would mean to me. I made school commercials of students flying and lego stop motion animations. My Beowulf lego film is still shown in Mrs. Fairburn's English class. I made teachers proud and excited for me. I was known to my classmates as Jordan Stark, but to the world of video I was Starkarts Productions. This name has been in my family since day one with my cousins and it will never be changed to anything else.

So as I press on into my future in Graphic Communications and Film Production, I want to remember all the people who got me here, who believed in me when others did not. I want to thank my brother and sister for being the actors and actresses when I had no other people that wanted to. I want to thank my parents for believing in me after seeing what I could create with my hands. Last but not least I want to thank my entire family and God, for making me into a Star, well a future star.

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